A Warm Welcome to the new UUSS Director of Lifespan Religious Education!

HB Steadham (she/her) is thrilled to be joining the UUSS staff as Director of Lifespan Religious Education, a position she believes is the knitting together of all her skills and passions. HB has been a public school teacher and a college professor, a theatre director and an actress, and an award-winning journalist and a fiction writer. She’s been a foster mom to both humans and pets, and a bio mom to three weird and fabulous kids (Snow, Xander, and Rory). Through it all, the cultivation of creativity and authenticity has been at the forefront of her thoughts and actions–something she looks forward to continuing in her new position supporting faith development for all ages at UUSS. Freshly transplanted from Japan, she and her husband Dave (who is a teacher with the Schenectady City School District) are excited to call upstate New York their new–and permanent!–home.