Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Oct. 15th

This past weekend included our 16th wedding anniversary and we had planned some time away, to focus on one another as people, to tend to our relationship, to eat good food and enjoy one another’s company. We are grateful that part of our roles as co-ministers of a congregation includes being invited to officiate at weddings, vow renewal ceremonies, and/or to meet with couples who are wanting some support for their relationship. Marriage or any long-term relationship requires some care and attention for it to thrive.

As part of our weekend, we wrote 40 postcards for #UUtheVote, encouraging voters in Texas to get to the polls. As a queer couple who couldn’t have legally married when we first met, and who were married in California before Prop 8 passed, preventing marriage equality in the state until the Supreme Court ruling in 2015, we know how important an election can be for protecting or increasing rights.

And, just as good relationships deserve our time and energy, so do our rights. Let’s not take any of them for granted because we are one election away from increasing or diminishing much of what we hold close. Our UUSS UUtheVote Team (see below) and the national #UUtheVote have lots of ways to get involved, to do what we each can to ensure a brighter, more just future, and a more loving community is possible.

In faith~ Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy