This past Sunday, Rev. Wendy shared a poem by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer, which begins,
“I want a word that means
okay and not okay,
a word that means
devastated and stunned with joy.
I want the word that says
I feel it all, all at once.”
This month, as we lean into June’s theme of “For All That is Our Life” we give thanks for spaces and practices that help us hold “the muchness” of being human. We can be a community where we can gather to support one another in times of grief and also to gather to share delicious food and then to sing along to rock music as multiple generations dance together with great joy. We contain multitudes as a congregation where we know that joys and sorrows are often woven fine… we can feel devastated and also stunned by joy by this life we lead on this planet we share.
With gratitude and in faith,
Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn