Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – May 21st

This time in the congregational year has lots of rituals and significant events. Members of the congregation did some really important work at the Congregational Meeting – passing a budget, approving minutes, affirming new Board members, and changing the quorum in your Bylaws! Earlier that morning, we acknowledged those who have been members for 25 and 50 years!!!!!! Wowie Zowie! (see more below)

On Saturday, June 1 we’re having a big fun(d)raiser for UUSS – Dinner, Dancing, and a Rock & Roll Raffle. Please get your tickets as soon as possible as we need to give the numbers to the caterers on Tuesday after Memorial Day. There will be very limited tickets at the door to make sure we have enough food for everyone who comes. (see more below)

On Sunday, June 2, please bring a flower or two from your yard, a neighbor’s garden (with permission!), a nearby stand of wildflowers in a field or roadside, a florist, nursery, or grocery store. Rev. Norbert Fabián Čapek created this ceremony in Prague 101 years ago to celebrate liberty and brotherhood [sic]. We’ll gather the blooms together and be appreciative of their beauty as individual flowers as well as when gathered with others. And then, as Čapek wrote, “…when they go home, each (person) is to take one flower just as it comes without making any distinction where it came from and whom it represents, to confess that we accept each other…without regard to class, race or other distinction; acknowledging everybody as our friend….”

Bring flowers! Share beauty! Celebrate Community!- Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn

And there’s even more fun stuff as the month carries on! We hope to see you soon!

~ Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn