UU The Vote is launching at UUSS on Friday, April 26, at the first ever Up The Game Night! Potluck, voting trivia, kids activities, and letter writing with the Letter Leaders of NY Get Out The Vote (GOTV.)
RSVP here: Signupgenius UpTheGame
Let us know if you’re interested in volunteering — set up, cleanup, children’s activities, bringing stamps for the letters.
If you have any questions, contact Kat Wolfram kmwolfram@gmail.com or Stephanie Maslanka sdinspireyou@gmail.
Additional ways to participate in UU the Vote:
- Sign up to become an election worker and/or let us know you plan to work for elections.
- Buy stamps for our Stamp Out Voter Suppression campaign.
- UU The Vote theatre.
- Collect rocks for painting voting messages — Rock the Vote campaign
- Write postcards or letters to underrepresented voters.
Faith. Love. Action. Together.