Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – Dec. 21st

We have been appreciating the incredible array of light and darkness this week… the colors of the sunrises and sunsets, the bright glow of the full moon, the grey-white skies when it is overcast, and the long nights as Winter begins. With all this, there are many opportunities to experience reverence and gratitude.
In the UU Reverence Surviving/Thriving calendar that we shared at the beginning of the month, today’s invitation is to give yourself permission to sit for 5 minutes, and simply breathe. Sense the reverence of mindfulness as you pay exquisite attention to the air as it enters and leaves your body. If someone else is nearby, consider sitting and breathing together, and notice if and how that deepens the practice.
Spend some time watching the light turn to darkness this evening if you can… And tomorrow may you carve out that 5 minutes sometime today or tomorrow or soon.
Breathing in peace. Breathing out love. May you have a wonderful Solstice, a blessed Christmas, and a hopeful New Year!
With peace,
Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy