We have an exciting Fall and Winter season planned for EBWA with Zoom program speakers and networking from 6pm-8pm. We hope you will mark your calendars and let us know you want to receive the Zoom invitation! Just respond by email to Judy Clough at mimaclough@yahoo.com. We will also be sending a monthly announcement by email and in Circuits and will take additional requests from women who are not yet on our list for Zoom invitations.
EBWA Programs September 2020 – January 2021
October 29, 6pm: Gretchen Sorin, Author, will present: Driving While Black, African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights
November 19th, 6pm: Eleanor Stein, Attorney, will present- Climate Justice and Human Rights Considerations with Climate Change
December 17, 6pm: Diane Reiner will present- Learning Cultural Sensitivity While Making a Difference with Jajja Kids in Uganda
January 28th, 6pm: Caren Baker will present- The Midwife Project
If you are not yet familiar with Zoom see the attached tutorial below
We are funding our honorariums and the cost of Zoom through subscriptions by supporters and will not be charging women for each program. If you wish to support our efforts, you may send a check made out to EBWA for $25 to Carol Furman, 1269 Ruffner Road, Niskayuna, NY 12309.
This tutorial was created by the RE director and zoom master from the Treasure Coast Unitarian Universalist Church in Stuart FL that I attend. If you download a free Zoom account, if you need help contact me, Judy Clough at mimaclough@yahoo.com.