Learning and exploring spirituality never ends; it is a lifelong process. Here at UUSS we are committed to lifelong learning and development as we live by our fourth principle: “A free and responsible search for truth and meaning.” As a way to support the growth, development, and search of our community, we offer the following adult faith development opportunities.

Adult Faith Development Opportunities 2024-2025


BIPOC Authors Reading & Discussion Group 

Read a novel, memoir, book of poetry, or other work by an author who is Black, Indigenous, or other Person of Color, and then gather on Zoom for an hour to discuss. Details of each month’s read & date of the discussion are posted in Circuits.

UUA Common Read

The Unitarian Universalist Association of Congregations (UUA) offers an annual common read and discussion guide. Previous books discussed have included: The Third Reconstruction, by The Rev. Dr. William Barber; Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson; Behind the Kitchen Door, by Saru Jayaraman, and On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg (Beacon Press, 2022)

The 2024-25 Common Read is Authentic Selves: Celebrating Trans and Nonbinary People and Their Families (Skinner House, 2023). More info about the book can be seen HERE. UUSS programming on this TBA.

Getting to Know UU

The Fall 2024 Getting To Know UU class will be on 10/20, 10/27, & 11/3. Registration form coming soon, or you may contact Kristin for details.

Whether you just came through the church doors or have spent years trying to figure this place out, this small group workshop addresses the basics of what it means to be an active Unitarian Universalist, and provides an opportunity to connect with others who share your interests while you explore our historic liberal faith tradition. Topics include UU history and theology, faith development, how we worship in a covenantal faith, and how we express our values through social justice. 

If questions, email Kristin Cleveland, the UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator, clcATuuschenectadyDOTorg. This class is a pre-requisite to the Membership Class.

Membership Class

— Register following completion of a Getting to Know UU class.
After our Getting to Know UU program, our Membership Class is the next step on the path to membership. This is a one-time Saturday morning class with others who have been on this journey toward membership.  The class covers the expectations for UU members as well as opportunities for you to express which programs or committees you feel drawn to.  The opportunity to make a commitment to membership is given at the end of class. For more information on our journey to membership, click here. Questions? Email the Congregational Life Coordinator at clcATuuschenectadyDOTorg.

See Circuits, the UUSS weekly email, for current offerings and current registration details. To subscribe to Circuits, fill out this FORM or contact Kristin Cleveland, UUSS Congregational Life Coordinator, at clc@uuschenectady.org. 

UU Wellspring:

In many years, UUSS offers a selection of courses through the UU Wellspring curriculum. You may register for the 2024-25 Wellspring class HERE.

UU Wellspring is a unique 10-month small group program offered online or in person in Unitarian Universalist settings. The twice a month, 2-hour sessions offer participants an opportunity for spiritual deepening that leads to more joyful living, increased congregational leadership, and faithful justice making in their lives and in their communities.





Parenting Circle


Multigenerational Game Night





Year-Round Ongoing Drop-In Programs:

Coffee, Crullers, and Conversation (CC&C) — Sunday morning at 9:30 am; drop-In.
This long running program offers an opportunity to join in discussion before our Sunday morning service. We will provide coffee and crullers, and as a group we will share in conversation with he goal of intellectual connection with each other.  For more information, contact Bill MacTiernan at bigmiketunaATgmailDOTcom.

Mens Group — 2nd Wednesdays 7:30 pm; drop in.
People who identify as men are welcome to gather on the 2nd Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Waters House living room for conversation. For more information, contact Bill MacTiernan at bigmiketuna@gmail.com.

Would you like to run a program for adults to grow and learn?

Contact HB Steadham, the Director of Lifespan Religious Education, at dlreATuuschenectadyDOTorg to discuss your idea and fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfBsOccItei3toiiZAhH6gxX3YTWyca3q1hOYJ2LMM5oQ9uyw/viewform