Greetings from the Incoming DLRE

Hi Everyone! I am excited about becoming your new Director of Lifespan Religious Education and getting to know everyone. I am eager to grow and learn together with all of you!
I currently live in Unadilla with the youngest of my four beautiful daughters, and I have two sassy and delightful granddaughters who make me smile every day. I am a member of the UU Society of Oneonta where I previously worked as office administrator for 14 years and served many years on the RE, Office, Endowment, and several ad hoc committees.
I am grateful to Rev. Lynn, Rev. Wendy, and the entire Hiring Team for giving me the opportunity to become a part of the UUSS. I love working in the UU environment and I look forward to journeying through this time of new beginnings with such a vibrant and caring community! – Robin