From the DLRE

What a joy to share a weekend with UU Youth! The Racial Justice Con (conference) hosted at UUSS this past weekend was attended by ~40 youth and ~8 adult chaperones from several different states. Also helping out were some very kind church elves who somehow managed to make delicious food appear at every meal–thank you to all! Participants learned and played together from Friday evening until Sunday morning. One of my favorite parts of the con was seeing how connected the group was. So many different personalities from different churches working together in a respectful, inclusive, and playful manner. I may be slightly biased but if this group of Youth is any indication of what our future holds, rest assured, we will be in very good hands indeed.

The UUSS nursery needs clothing–pants especially, such as sweat pants or leggings, in larger sizes that would be appropriate for a kindergarten or first grade size child in the event of an accident. If you have any clothing of this type to donate, please call (518) 387-9863, email, or drop it off at the Nursery on Sunday morning before the service.