Town Hall Report Back

On June 14, 30 folks attended a Town Hall gathering for UUSS. In late May/early June, we posted a video about the continued closure of in-person gatherings based on a letter that the UUA President, the Rev. Susan-Frederick Gray sent out recommending that we prepare to be fully online through May of 2021, unless there are significant medical changes.

We reiterated that message during this meeting, while also naming some of the struggles UUSS would need to overcome in order to accommodate even smaller gatherings. We let folks know that we are assembling a COVID-19 Moving Forward Team to help us get ready for whenever we can start gathering in-person again. All of us would really like to be in one another’s company for gatherings, meetings, and worship. And right now, it is not worth the risk and the buildings are not set-up for adequate social distancing, sanitizing, etc. We are all growing weary of these conditions that are constraining our being present with one another, of the losses and the missing rites of passage like graduations, retirements, weddings, and memorial services. This is hard for so many reasons.
Several folks in attendance also expressed appreciation for having worship as a touchstone during the week, especially as it is getting harder to track time the longer the pandemic goes on. Some expressed an appreciation of not needing to choose health vs. their religious community and while the online worship is not ideal, especially for music in the Zoom platform, it has provided some comfort, support, spiritual depth, inspiration, and opportunities to connect in different ways. We will have another opportunity to check back in as a congregation after the summer. In the meantime, take care of one another and yourselves. -Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn