Religious Education this Week – May 26th

Story Time for Youngin’s takes place on Tuesdays at 6:30 pm.  It runs about 30 minutes and is geared toward younger children as they prepare for dream land.  A big THANK YOU to last week’s guest reader, Maia Regan!  Our guest readers this week are Joel and Noah Best!  Click here to attend this fun event:
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We wrapped up Reading with Robin for now this past Friday, completing The Phantom Tollbooth!

It has been an exceptional RE year, to say the least.  Our terrific teachers and awesome advisors were up to the challenge, though!  They jumped in and offered virtual classes via Zoom, so we could provide connection and continuity for our children and youth.  They were already making a difference in our kids’ lives, and then took it to a whole new level during this time of uncertainty and pause.  I am beyond grateful for all they’ve shared.

Our K/1 classes have wrapped up for the church year.  Thank you to their terrific teachers, Joel Best, Kay Schlembach, Sarah Tyo, and Dyana Warnock.

Due to low response, the 5/24 Keepers of the Earth class (grades 2 and 3) was cancelled.  A lot of our children and youth (and adults!) are suffering from Zoom fatigue…  Thank you to the terrific KOE teachers, Ed Kautz, John Cornett, and Juliana Post-Good.

Grades 4 and 5, our UU and Harry class, will meet Sunday morning, 6/14, at 9:30.  Their terrific teachers are Sara Feinland, Tamara Geveci, Steve Healey, and Sharon MacNeil–thank you to all of you!
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Grades 6 and 7, Building Bridges, has wrapped up their virtual classes–thank you so much to their terrific teachers, Mati Grieco-Hackett, Morgan Myatt, and Mark Vermilyea.

Coming of Age Youth (8/9) have completed their program–thank you to their awesome advisors, Erin Piotrowski and Melissa MacKinnon as well as occasional sub and frequent volunteer Scott Horgen.

Grades 10, 11, and 12, our Senior Youth, meet Sundays at 1.  The Zoom link for their time together will be shared with them and their parents by their awesome advisors, Mary Hyland, Randy Jennings, Lisa Temoshok,
and Aaron Tyo.

Remember to get some fresh air, wash your hands, and please stay healthy and safe!

Robin Ahearn, Director Lifespan Religious Education at