RE This Week – Feb. 8th

WINTER OUTING! Come, join the Green Sanctuary folks for a winter outing at the Albany Pine Bush on Saturday, 2/12, from 1:30-3:30. See 2/8/22 Circuits for details.
Upcoming RE Classes:
– K-6 EXPERIENCES WITH THE WEB OF LIFE:  These nature lovers will meet again Sunday morning, 2/20, from 9:30-10:15.
– 7/8 THE FIFTH DIMENSION: Their next meeting is Sunday morning, 2/20, from 9:15-10:15.
– 8/9 OWL: This group’s next in-person meeting is this Sunday evening, 2/13, from 7-9.
– SENIOR YOUTH (grades 9-12): Our next meeting is this Sunday, 2/20, at noon.