Message from the President

Dear Friends and Members of UU Schenectady,
I am so pleased to report that our Annual Congregation Meeting held on May 17 was a great success! After much thought and planning and the support of several volunteers, we held our first virtual Annual Congregational Meeting. Our three resolutions passed with unanimous “yes” votes:
  • Approval of the 2020-2021 budget
  • Approval of the use of the funds from of Helen and Robert Ringlee Bequest, and
  • Election of Ernie Hall, Rosie Lewis and Lisa Temoshok to the Board of Trustees
I want to thank our co-ministers, Rev. Lynn Gardner and Rev. Wendy Bartel, and our Congregational Life Coordinator, Kristin Cleveland, as well as our volunteers Ernie Hall, Donald Whisenhunt, Tom Citriniti and Christy Multer, and the rest of the Board for all their hard work in making the meeting a success. I am so proud of our congregation and our willingness to embrace and try something new. While it was difficult not to meet in person, I found it very touching to name each of those present and hear everyone’s voice in the roll call vote. For me, it made the meeting feel so much more personal, and I think it connected us all in a new way.
I am so grateful to serve this amazing congregation.
Sara Meixner
President, Board of Trustees