Exploring a Revitalized Social Justice Program at UUSS – Part 1

I do not pretend to understand the moral universe; the arc is a long one, my eye reaches but little ways; I cannot calculate the curve and complete the figure by the experience of sight, I can divine it by conscience. And from what I see I am sure it bends towards justice.
— Theodore Parker, in a speech delivered in the hall of the State house before the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Convention, January 29, 1858

Our faith calls us to challenge the many ways in which injustice is perpetuated in our communities and UUSS has a long history of doing this work. Many of us continue to engage in a variety of different ways. But how do we, as a congregation, act thoughtfully and strategically to maximize our impact on long-standing injustices? To bend the arc towards justice? The Social Justice Action Team has been grappling with these questions and exploring how we might reinvent social action as justice action at UUSS.

We are not, of course, the only congregation to confront this question. The experience of other UU congregations suggests that the key is to narrow and concentrate the focus. If we were to choose one issue in our community and engage it as a congregation-wide effort, imagine what we might achieve. Not only might we support those most impacted by that injustice, but also confront the systemic roots of the problem, advocate for fundamental change, and partner with, and amplify the voices of advocates and activists from affected communities.

The process of changing how we do justice work, of choosing one issue onto which to focus and engaging the congregation in dialog is a challenge. It will require many discussions and lots of research into issues, resources, and community partners. The Social Justice Action Team plans to start the process of broader dialog within the congregation in the Fall. This is Part 1 of a three-part Circuits Article which will be included in Circuits issues over the summer months. If you want more information, or wish to share your thoughts, please contact John Reschovsky at jreschovsky@nycap.rr.com, co-chair, the Social Justice Action Team.