Co-Ministers’ Colloquy – June 6th

Imagine a world without bridges. They are such important structures that allow us to cross from here to there, safely, more efficiently, or even at all. Maybe the first bridge happened accidentally; a tree fell across a river, creating a solid path, or someone laid down their coat and someone crossed a mud puddle.
This week, we invite you to notice the bridges and offer some quiet gratitude to the bridge builders and those who maintain them. Notice the ways that you bridge between activities, ideas, or feelings. Consider the ways that a bridge would be helpful, to reconnect with someone you miss, to find a bridge across a misunderstanding, or to bridge into a new way of being.
Where would you most like a bridge in your life? What obstacle(s) are in the way of building a bridge or maintaining it? We know that tending to relationships can be hard. We humans disappoint one another. We make mistakes. We don’t always know how to build a bridge, especially if we’ve burned or blown it up or we perceive we didn’t get what we want. And sometimes our destination changes and we no longer maintain the bridge we once traveled often. All of this is part of building bridges in beloved communities too-the holding on, the letting go. Will we be architects or builders, maintenance workers or deconstructionists, map makers or naysayers? There are so many options…
With curiosity, with hope, and in faith
Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy