Calling you who find a spiritual home with UUSS

How would you express your connections to UUSS? To the Earth? To the Holy/Mystery/More? Using the theme “Connected in Love, We Nurture the Flame” as a spark of inspiration, you are invited to write a poem, chalice lighting, chalice flame releasing, prayer, meditation, a short prose piece, or create visual art, for UU Schenectady. People of all ages are welcome to send in original submissions! Don’t be daunted-have courage! Share your creativity with UUSS!
Text can be sent directly in the body of an email or attached as a Word file (.docx). Artwork or photos should be attached as a .jpg or .gif file. Please use “Nurture the Flame submission” as the subject line of your email to
Please send no more than 3 items per person. By submitting, you are giving permission for UUSS to share with the wider congregation. Thanks so much! – Rev. Lynn and Rev. Wendy