Schenectady Herb Society – April 6th

Regional Mushroom Medicinewith Smugtown Mushrooms and Schenectady Herb Society (The Herb Group) on Friday, April 6, 6:30-9pm in the UUSS Dining Room.  Our forests and landscapes are abundant in natural medicine, simple yet potent. Join us on this evening to journey through just a handful of medicinal mushrooms that grow abundantly in the wild and that we can even incorporate in our cultivation practices to lessen the impact of wildcrafting. Learn how these mushrooms and fungi grow, exist and nurture holistically. Use all your senses to learn about the vast & diverse world of mushroom & fungi. Their ancient story connects humans and all life to them. Sliding Scale Class $20-40 per person: includes materials to make your own Reishi tincture to take home.  Register at