Religious Education – Julie Rigano: Sept. 2016

The Year Ahead
As Greek philosopher Heraclitus of Ephesus famously said, “The only thing that is constant is change.” As this congregation begins its final interim year, we certainly know this to be true. We’ve introduced new programs, new policies, and new governance structures; and we’re not done yet. We still have changes in the upcoming year, including calling a new minister to our congregation.

I know I personally feel a shift from last year to this year. Last year, I was just beginning with this community, hearing about wonderful events like Cupid’s Cabaret and Bread Communion. It was difficult to help plan these events when I didn’t know exactly what they were. “It’ll make sense when you see it,” was a phrase I got accustomed to hearing. This year, I know more about this community. I know what Bread Communion is, and I understand just how many Sunday lunches this congregations hosts.

There are still new things this year that I haven’t experienced before, like Revels. I’ve seen the costumes and I’ve heard the stories, but I still don’t know exactly what to expect. On one hand, that scares me. I like knowing what to expect. I once was afraid to order a pound of sliced turkey from the deli counter in at a new grocery store because I didn’t know the protocol. Part of my anxiety is a fear that I’ll be unprepared for whatever life throws at me.

On the other hand, I am very excited not to know much about Revels so I can continue learning about this congregation. From what I know, it’s going to be a fantastic, multigenerational, festive event. How can I not be excited?

Of course, I have more unknown approaching me this year than just Revels. As we implement the governance structure Dan Hotchkiss outlines in Governance and Ministry, I can’t help but wonder what that will look like here. When we move to a team structure, what kind of sub-teams will form? How can we engage more people through this new governance structure? What new progress is waiting for us with this new structure? I’ve read and continue to read Hotchkiss. I understand his model, but how will his model look as we implement it here?

I could get frightened. For someone who was too nervous to order sliced deli meats, you’d think this would make me hide under my covers. Instead, I get excited about the wealth of opportunities that are going to open for us. Instead of being afraid of what I do not know for sure, I am choosing to embrace it. How lucky we are to have so many opportunities available to us in our near future!

So this year I look forward to the joy of Revels and all the opportunities awaiting us as we continue to embrace change in our interim period.