Help Wanted

There are lots of exciting things going on in the church these days that would benefit from the skills and passions of our members – and we don’t always know all those skills and passions, and those with the skills might not know what is helpful.  As we move into a responsive Teams approach, there is plenty of flexible space for getting involved with or without long-term commitment, in ways that fit your schedule and desires.  Right now,

  • Do you love event planning? The Events Team is flexible and connected.
  • Fascinated by best practices in organizational risk management? We are looking to create a Safety Team that will take the lead on everything from fire drills to intruder response.
  • Love to teach and lead discussions? We can always use teachers and advisors for child/youth Religious Education, as well as facilitators for our Adult Faith Development courses.
  • Want to give others the great experience you had when you entered this church? The Membership Team has a wealth of opportunities to be involved.

And the list goes on and on. Talk to Kristin Cleveland at or to Julie Rigano at if you see something that interests you here – or if your interest is not listed, but could be!