Coffee, Crullers & Conversation – August 2016

Believe it or not, we are going to hold CC&C every Sunday In the upcoming 2016-2017 church year.  We will provide coffee for those whoccnc would otherwise be too sleepy to stay awake for the service.  We will provide crullers for those who skipped breakfast just to get to church early enough to attend CC&C.  And, and, we will provide conversation for those who require an intellectual connection to other human beings.  It is with this last item that your help is required.  Don’t let the “ding darn know-it-alls” who run CC&C dominate the conversation.  You must have a philosophy, a presentation, a topic that is worthy of consideration and discussion.  If so, schedule it by contacting Bill MacTiernan at   Remember: You too can be a conversation dominator!