Co-Ministers’ Colloquy

Dear ones, In the wake of the sorrow, anger, frustration, and so on, in response to the senseless tragedy in Florida, you may be in need of action, or pastoral care, or hiding under the covers, or sense a need to throttle anyone who isn’t making sense. Whatever you may be feeling, notice it, share it with someone you trust, and then breathe into it. If it is pain-send your breath right into the heart of that pain so that it might slowly ease, that you might feel a bit of healing. If it is deep sorrow, breathe deeply and let the tears flow. If it is overwhelm and confusion about how politicians still haven’t done anything to change the practices around safer and saner gun ownership, consider what you might do to bring more compassion, more nuance, more openness to the conversation, then make an appointment with an elected official and discuss your concerns.

Whatever it is you are experiencing, allow yourself to breathe kindness into the heart of your self. Pray if praying is what you do to ground and steady yourself (or meditate or sing or do yoga or call a friend) and then work like you-know-what to bring about the world you know is possible. Our Unitarian Universalist values are only as powerful as our willingness to live them every day.

-In faith and with care, Rev. Wendy and Rev. Lynn