sundayservice1The peaceful sanctuary of the 1930 Marosvásárhely church building is located on the second floor, up a flight of stairs.  The sanctuary was filled with a rapt audience, standing room only.







sundayservice2The visitors from FUSS joined in singing hymns in the Hungarian language.








sundayservice3aThe FUSS visitors were seated in the dignitaries pew at the front of the church for the service. Rev. Russ Savage delivered the sermon, which was translated for the congregation by Rev. Jakabházi Bíla into Hungarian. Printed copies of the sermon, in Hungarian, were available for the congregation after the service.





sundayservice4The FUSS visitors greeted, with vigorous handshakes and hearty “Isten aldja meg” (“God Bless You”), each and every one of the 400 plus church members in attendance, after the service. Here Rev. Russ Savage greets Rev. Kolscár, the retired former minister of the Marosvásárhely Unitarian church.